Tattered Soul

She was so stressed out that she wanted to take advantage of the vague emotions she’s feeling. She wanted to extract the soul of that familiar emptiness, spill it on a paper and organize it into a lovely arrangement of words. She’s drowning herself into her own thoughts and gently stayed afloat and lifeless, but…

The Evolution of My Happiness

“Why not write a happy story… 😛 for a change?” (Yeah, don’t forget about the smiley sticking out its tongue.) This was the suggestion (or maybe, his fancy word for “dare”) of my officemate who happened to read my post yesterday. I stopped for a while to reflect and to remind myself of the reason…

A Bit of Peace of Mind

Imagine me grabbing my pen, doing some doodles, then introspecting… introspecting more… introspec (it’s way too early for lies) …falling asleep. Now take a screenshot of that scenario in your mind. Perfect. That’s exactly me most of the time (perhaps, a flimsy disguise for “Always”). A sleepyhead. This is the reason why I haven’t posted something here…

This Too Shall Pass

Aside from the inspiration to write again, one of the achingly real things that I need right now is the firm grip on faith and focus. I honestly don’t know which is fake and which is real “me” anymore. There is this fighting optimism telling me to display a smile, and at the same time,…